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Developing for CCSync

This section gives a brief information about almost everything that you would need to setup CCSync for development, or deployment.

If you still have any queries, contact us on Github

Environment Architecture

The diagram below is a representation of how various components are connected to enable sync on the CCSync website, and the Taskwarrior Flutter App

Setting up a Development Environment


  • Docker

  • Google OAuth Keys

  • Firestore Configuration

Steps to setup the frontend

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory and run the command:

    npm install
  2. Create a .env file in the same directory.

  3. If you want to use docker, set the environment variables in .env as:

    VITE_BACKEND_URL="http://localhost:8000/" # this is the backend to which the app or the web frontend interacts with
    VITE_FRONTEND_URL="http://localhost:80" # the url of our web frontend, so as to avoid CORS based errors
    VITE_CONTAINER_ORIGIN="http://localhost:8080/" # url of the deployed taskchampion-sync-server container
  4. Else, set the environment variables in .env as:

    VITE_BACKEND_URL="http://localhost:8000/" # this is the backend to which the app or the web frontend interacts with
    VITE_FRONTEND_URL="http://localhost:5173" # the url of our web frontend, so as to avoid CORS based errors
    VITE_CONTAINER_ORIGIN="http://localhost:8080/" # url of the deployed taskchampion-sync-server container
  5. Run the frontend container only:

    docker-compose build frontend
    docker-compose up

Steps to setup the backend

  1. Navigate to the backend directory and run the commands:

    go mod download
    go mod tidy
  2. Create a .env file in the same directory.

  3. Go to Google cloud credential page for generating client id and secret.

  4. If you want to use docker, set the environment variables in .env as:

    CLIENT_ID="client_ID" # Google Auth Secret
    CLIENT_SEC="client_SECRET" # Google Auth Secret
    SESSION_KEY="generate a secret key using 'openssl rand -hex 32'"
    FRONTEND_ORIGIN_DEV="http://localhost" # the url of the web frontend, so as to avoid CORS errors
    CONTAINER_ORIGIN="http://YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME:8080/" # url of the deployed taskchampion-sync-server container
  5. Else, set the environment variables in .env as:

    CLIENT_ID="client_ID" # Google Auth Secret
    CLIENT_SEC="client_SECRET" # Google Auth Secret
    SESSION_KEY="generate a secret key using 'openssl rand -hex 32'"
    FRONTEND_ORIGIN_DEV="http://localhost:5173" # the url of the web frontend, so as to avoid CORS errors
    CONTAINER_ORIGIN="http://localhost:8080/" # url of the deployed taskchampion-sync-server container
  6. Run the backend container only:

    docker-compose build backend
    docker-compose up

Note: If you plan to run the backend without Docker, run it as a root user preferably on WSL or any Linux Distro with a user that has elevated permissions to modify files and directories.

Note: The Taskchampion sync server is currently being pulled from the repository here.

Steps to setup the Taskwarrior Flutter app with CCSync

  1. For development/personal purposes, in order to use CCSync with Taskwarrior Flutter app, one needs to setup only the backend and the sync server. The frontend setup is optional.

  2. Open the api_service.dart file.

  3. For baseUrl, replace http://YOUR_IP:8000 with the deployed API endpoint. YOUR_IP refers to the IP address of the terminal or Docker container that is hosting the backend currently.

  4. For origin, replace http://localhost:8080 with the deployed sync server endpoint.

  5. Set sync.server.origin in your Taskwarrior configuration to the deployed sync server URL.

  6. Here's how your api_service.dart should look after these changes:

    class ApiService {
    // Use deployed values for baseUrl and origin
            String baseUrl = ''; // replace with actual deployed API endpoint
            String origin = ''; // replace with actual deployed sync server endpoint, although, for now, it is just a placeholder until next release or update
    // Other ApiService code...
  7. Run the app.


The sync might break most of the times due to wrong .env variables. Please ensure that your docker containers are visible and accessible, using ping <container_address> commands.


  • For testing backend, first navigate to the backend directory, and then run the tests
    cd backend
    go test <package_name>

Here, package_name is the test suite you want to run.

  • Similarly, for testing frontend, first navigate to the frontend directory, and then run the tests

    cd frontend
    npm test
  • Note: In order to setup / run tests for pages that have any URLs, for example, the HomePage.tsx, toggle the isTesting to true in frontend/src/components/utils/URLs.ts

Google OAuth Keys

Before starting anything, Go to Google cloud credential page for generating client id and secret. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Google's developer console.

  2. Create a new project.

  3. From within your project, create a new "Client ID" by going to "APIs & Auth" > "Credentials" and clicking on the "Create New Client ID" button.

  4. Select "Web Application"

  5. Enter the following for 'Authorized Javascript Origins':
  6. Enter the following for 'Authorized Redirect URI':
  7. Save

  8. You will be presented with your newly generated credentials that are required for setting up the backend.

Firestore configuration

Note: This step is necessary only for the frontend setup, and can be skipped if you plan to use only the backend API with the Taskwarrior Flutter App

  1. Create a new project and then setup a Firestore database.

  2. Add a collection of the name tasks

  3. The following fields must be there in the data model of the collection:

    description (string)
    due (string)
    email (string)
    end (string)
    entry (string)
    id (number)
    modified (string)
    priority (string)
    project (string)
    status (string)
    tags (array : string)
    urgency (number)
    uuid (string)
  4. Add web support for you database and download the config file provided by Google, it would have this format:

    import { initializeApp } from "firebase/app";
    const firebaseConfig = {
    apiKey: "",
    authDomain: "",
    projectId: "",
    storageBucket: "",
    messagingSenderId: "",
    appId: "",
    measurementId: ""
    export const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
    1. Download it, and store it at frontend/src/lib/ by the name firebase.ts
  5. Make sure to update the Firestore rules to the given values, so as to become able to access them over the web frontend:

    rules_version = '2';
    service cloud.firestore {
    match /databases/{database}/documents {
    match /{document=**} {
    allow read, write: if true;