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API Documentation


Method Endpoints Description
GET /tasks Fetch Tasks
POST /edit-task Edit task (description only)
POST /modify-task Edit task (multiple parameters)
POST /add-task Add a task
POST /complete-task Mark a task as completed
POST /delete-task Mark a task as deleted
GET /ws Fetch Job Status via Websockets

Sample payloads for requests

  • /tasks :
  • /edit-task :
    "email": "email",
    "encryptionSecret": "encryptionSecret",
    "UUID": "clientID",
    "taskID": "any task id",
    "description": "new description for the task"
  • /add-task :
      "email": "email",
      "encryptionSecret": "encryptionSecret",
      "UUID": "clientID",
      "description": "task description",
      "project": "task project",
      "due": "Date in the format: DD-MM-YYYY",
      "priority": "task priority"
  • /complete-task :
    "email": "email",
    "encryptionSecret": "encryptionSecret",
    "UUID": "clientID",
    "taskuuid": "uuid of the task to be marked as completed"
  • /delete-task :
    "email": "email",
    "encryptionSecret": "encryptionSecret",
    "UUID": "clientID",
    "taskuuid": "uuid of the task to be marked as deleted"
  • Note: Mark a task as deleted tells that the tasks are soft deleted on taskchampion-sync-server, i.e., they are first marked as deleted, and then deleted after a period of time, typically 180 days.